天天动画片 > 八卦谈 > 【纪录片】《纹生Life with tattoo》先行片

【纪录片】《纹生Life with tattoo》先行片

八卦谈 佚名 2022-11-29 07:50:01

这是一个抛砖引玉的小视频 1:年底想和大家一起做一个小型纪录片,向正在看此视频的你们,收集大家身上的有趣纹身故事,希望大家踊跃往我邮箱投稿,具体要求可以看注释,被采用的朋友可以获赠《纹生》超酷限量勋章一枚 2:希望通过这个短片来改变人们对纹身的固有看法,纹身不只是美的表现,也不只是耍帅扮酷,更多的是对当前人生的记录 作为一个纹身师,随着做这个行业的时间越久 就越喜欢有故事的纹身 每次接到以故事为元素,来设计的纹身,就让我感觉非常的有兴趣 觉得这样的纹身才是纹身的正确打开方式 期待着你们的故事

This video is a forerunner for our documentary about tattoo. 1. Before the end of this year, we want to make a short documentary with you guys, so we want to collect your unique story about tattoo. If you're interested in this activity, please don't be hesitate and send your videos to us. Specific form and requirements about the video is in the end of the video. If we use your video in the final documentary, you will receive a special medal as a souvenir for this documentary. 2. We want to change people's stereotype about tattoo through the documentary. For us, tattoo is more than a decoration on ones body, it is an eternal records of our life or memory. As a tattoo artist, I find the stories or motivations for people to get a tattoo is fascinating. Every time I get the work to design a tattoo which based on a story, I feel very excited. I think this is the coolest way to get a tattoo. I'm looking forwards to your unique stories and tattoos.

本文标题:【纪录片】《纹生Life with tattoo》先行片 - 八卦谈
